
[lazarus chan long fung]

Artist Statement



Chan Long Fung, Lazarus, is a new media artist who explores the intersections of science, technology, humanities, and art. Born in Hong Kong in 1996, he currently resides there. His works often blend various elements, including soundscapes, electronic devices, algorithmic art, data visualization, and generative art. Chan excels in transcending disciplinary limitations and engaging in interdisciplinary creation to integrate knowledge and ideas from diverse fields. Chan's works delve deeply into observing and contemplating natural phenomena in life. His creative inspirations are rooted in a profound understanding of technology, sensitivity to nature, and passion for science. Chan creates art to pose questions and represent these themes.

Chan believes that, as an artist, he can maintain a perspective and approach to the long-term observation of the intricate details of scientific and technological developments, continually raising questions from a humanistic and philosophical standpoint and then transforming these questions into visual art experiences. He holds the belief that art can help people gain a deeper understanding and exploration of issues through simulation, representation, and experience. Although works of art do not necessarily need to explain problems, artists can pose questions that stimulate the audience's conscious engagement, thereby clarifying the direction of the issues at hand.


2023_Reported by MingPaoOL (五感直面網絡性暴反思仇恨讓愛流轉 -- 2023-06-02)
2023_Reported by Sing Tao News (【城中人城中事】藉科技將極光帶到西九文化區 -- 2023-02-05)
2023_Reported by WenWeiPo (讓小朋友體驗後台崗位 -- 2023-01-21)
2022__Reported by HK01 (展覽|藝術家模擬異星生活 從移居外星體驗反思我們與地球的關係) -- 2022-12-15)
2022__Reported by AM730 (設計展覽|DesignInspire創意設計博覽 以數碼藝術科技體驗不一樣的香港) -- 2022-12-05)
2022__Interview by RTHK TV 31 (「藝坊星期天:新媒體藝術家陳朗丰,香港國際攝影節「影於外」&現場表演:馬瑋謙」 Multimedia artist Lazarus Chan, HKIPF's Off-sets & in the studio Ma Wai-him -- 2022-11-27)
2022__Reported by ChinaDaily (Hearing things) -- 2022-11-14)
2022__Reported by ZTYLEZ (10 號贊善里畫廊精選香港藝壇新星,群展雲集 17 位本地藝術畢業生力作!) -- 2022-10-28)
2022__Interview by Sphere (「逾越生死、穿梭時空:探究新媒體藝術家陳朗丰的創作觀」 BORN AN INNOVATOR, LAZARUS CHAN EDUCATES US ON NEW MEDIA ART -- 2022-07-29)
2021__Interview by RTHK (「#129 藝術 . 編碼 (嘉賓:陳朗丰) 」藝術家的腦袋」 -- 2021-08-17)
2021__Reported by The Culturist (「藝術帶你走進田野 感受虛實間的城鄉共生」 -- 2021-08-10)
2021__Reported by Weekend Weekly (「藝術X科技 走進城市中的大自然」 -- 2021-08-06)
2021__Online Art Tasting workshops for Hong Kong Art School
2021__Interview by Stand News (「自源作」陳朗丰個展 — 創造語言之外的全新溝通系統」 -- 2021-04-20 )
2021__Interview by Sing Tao Daily (「誰是創造者?」 -- 2021-04-08 )
2021__Interview by Marie Claire Hong Kong Edition ( 「突破再突破」  -- SEP 2021)
2021__Interview by 101 藝術新聞網 (「藝術有時│焦點訪談│「藝術科技」如是觀」」 -- 2021-09-02)
2021__Interview by 101arts (「今年校園藝術大使計劃「藝術x科技」」 -- 2021-08-11)
2021__Interview by HK Feature (「誰是造物者?甚麼是原委?」 陳朗丰與「電腦」共同打破限制、擁抱未知 -- 2021-04-16 )
2020__Sharing for School of Creative Media ( SCM Alumni Sharing - Lazarus CHAN (BAS) )
2020__Sharing for HKAS Alumni Network ( 創造,被創造,我與你和他的關係 )
2018__Interview by School of Creative Media ( Stochastic Camera - by Lazarus Chan (Bachelor of Arts & Science in New Media Student) )
2018__Interview by HKSEA ( Hong Kong Art Education Journal ISSUE 2 2018 P.13 -14 )