Bit of Memory
data visualization

Bit of Memory

《Bit of Memory》 是與藝術家葉雯的一次藝術合作,為 《香港藝術節-賽馬會創新藝術系列》 所創作的藝術裝置。該作品的影像紀錄和藝術家訪談作為數字藝術教育範例,在一系列的講座中被引用。葉雯的作品以其獨特的印象風格和對身體的描繪,展示她對童年記憶的呈現。《Bit of Memory》 囊括了18幅葉雯的畫作,陳氏從其中提取原始色彩數據,運用編碼分析葉雯的繪畫作品。進一步將數百萬種顏色存儲至數據文件中,通過生成的筆觸動作將顏色數據視覺化。《Bit of Memory》 可被視為一個源於葉雯回憶的虛擬記憶宮殿。

"Bit of Memory" is an art collaboration with artist Yip Man, created as an art installation for the Hong Kong Arts Festival - Jockey Club Inno Arts Series. This work's video documentation and artist interviews serve as a demonstration of digital art education and are referenced in a series of sharings. Yip Man's works, characterised by her unique impressionistic style and depiction of the body, showcase her representation of childhood memories. "Bit of Memory" includes 18 of Yip Man's paintings, from which Chan extracts the source colour data by applying digital analysis to Yip Man's artworks. In addition, millions of colours are stored in data files, and those data is visualised through generative brush strokes. "Bit of Memory" can be thought of as a virtual memory palace created from Yip Man's recollections.