Stochastic Camera (version 0.3) - the boiling terra
I learn and create the laws of the universe and primordial processes from everyday life.
Late one night, as I cooked a pot of noodles, I had an idea: Could heating and evaporating water mirror the birth and death of stars? Water has been found in interstellar clouds, comets, and planets' atmospheres, and life in the galaxies is often considered to be related to water. Stars form after the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds, which converts potential energy into thermal energy. Similarly, the phase change of water molecules from liquid to gas involves transforming thermal energy, which could be connected to the large-scale energy conversions and morphological changes observed in stellar processes. Just as an individual pixel contributes to an entire image, molecular changes contribute to forming planets, stars, and other cosmic structures. There may indeed be a set of related principles governing small-scale transformations and large-scale cosmic events.
While the recent surge in AI image processing has captured significant public attention, what intrigues me most is the underlying thought process of neural network algorithms, their research goals, and the sources of the image data they use. Drawing inspiration from biological cell communication, researchers have developed neural cellular automata, a leap from classical cellular automata. Unlike their binary predecessors, neural cellular automata can generate images using floating-point numbers between zero and one, allowing for more nuanced representations. These systems can be trained to regenerate an image after it has been damaged or altered. More than just a tool for image processing, neural cellular automata hold potential applications in synthetic biology, offering insights into processes of growth, repair, and regeneration.
"Stochastic Camera (version 0.3) - the boiling terra" intends to apply these computer science studies on tissue texture to produce landscape images. Depicting a planet capable of self-growth and self-repair, akin to living tissue. By recording the process of water boiling with an infrared thermal imager, applying neural cellular automata, and 3D rendering to the resulting flat images, the work generates hypsometric maps and stellar spectra, which evoke the idea of planets and stars as dynamic, evolving entities. The boiling water, captured in its ever-changing thermal patterns, becomes a metaphor for the continuous transformation of matter in the universe, from the boiling water to the birth and death of stars.

Exhibition Record
Both Sides Now IX: Generations, Videotage, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong (Y:2024)
GROUNDING, Tomorrow Maybe, Eaton HK, Hong Kong (Y:2023)
"Stochastic Camera (version 0.3) - the boiling terra" was a project supported and inspired by a local cultural magazine team, "SAMPLE". I explored the topic "Planetary" and studied together the journal article “Philosophy and the Planetary” by Prof. Yuk Hui [1].
1. The Fluidity of Land
While preparing for the group exhibition, the SAMPLE team prepared a geography field trip to Port Island(赤洲) for artists, with the introduction of metamorphic petrology and geochronology by Dr. TAM, Pui Yuk Tammy [2]. She inspired me to discover the fluidity of land and followed the quartz vein of Port Island.
2. From Geographical Texture to NCA (Neural Cellular Automata)
The field trip to Port Island sparked my interest in studying land formation and seeing the landform as a heat-related pattern. This idea triggered me to connect my reading through the research "Thread: Differentiable Self-organizing Systems" [3,4] and a famous saying by William Blake: "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour".
To expand on the previous, I want to create an artwork that captures the galaxy in daily observation and sees land formation as morphogenesis.
[1] Hui, Y. (2020). Philosophy and the planetary. Philosophy Today, 64(4), 865–869. https://doi.org/10.5840/philtoday20201110368
[2] Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science. (n.d.). https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/people/tam_py-tammy.html
[3] Mordvintsev, A., Randazzo, E., Niklasson, E., Levin, M., & Greydanus, S. (2020). Thread: Differentiable self-organizing systems. Distill, 5(8). https://doi.org/10.23915/distill.00027
[4] Alexander Mordvintsev, Ettore Randazzo, Craig Fouts; July 18–22, 2022. "Growing Isotropic Neural Cellular Automata." Proceedings of the ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life. ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life. Online. (pp. 65). ASME. https://doi.org/10.1162/isal_a_00552